Studio Woodworkers Australia is a national organisation providing support and benefits to practising professional designer maker artists working in wood. SWA fosters high level skills and innovation among members and facilitates the promotion of members and their craft to the Australian and international communities.
Established designer makers and artistsare invited to apply to become an Accredited Member andhave their profile included on the SWA website, participate in exhibitions and other promotional events.
Please complete the following:
Once your application has been considered by the Accreditation Committee you may be asked to provide a maker’s statement. If you would like to be included on the SWA website, include the scope of your practice and design influences, together with 6—12 professional quality images (with captions identifying the maker, the work title, the materials and the photographer). Please include a portrait of yourself.
The Accredited Membership fee of $220 including GST will be payable upon notification of your acceptance as an Accredited Member. You will be sent a tax invoice upon receipt of the fee.
Annual Membership fee of $220 incl. GST should then be paid to BSB 032691 Account no. 375392 Reference: Your name. A tax invoice will be sent upon receipt.
Should you wish to discuss membership and/or your contribution to SWA, please call Will Matthysen on 0438 984 415, David MacLaren on 0421 044 909 or Warwick Wright on 040 998 2157 or Email