Membership and Accreditation
Studio Woodworkers Australia Limited (SWA) was established to promote Australia’s finest designer makers and artists working in wood and the values that sustain makers for a life dedicated to studio practice, embracing a fine tradition of high craft that seeks to express the qualities of a living material, forming an holistic way to live.
Our Membership is open to all early career professional woodworkers. Members are encouraged to apply to become Accredited Members when they have achieved an established practice and portfolio of quality images of their work.
We encourage all Members to seek mentorship from an Accredited Member to assist furthering their woodcraft and develop their professional skills. Through mentorship, our Members can push their abilities to the next level and be recommended to apply for accreditation once their studio practice is suitably established.
Through the SWA Mentorship Program, Members can receive invaluable advice and support in all facets of establishing a woodworking practice: from setting up your workshop and promoting your business, client liaison, pricing and costing your work, project design, manufacturing and development, and technical expertise in all aspects of fine woodworking.
Our Accredited Members have devoted a lifetime to developing their craft and are only too willing to pass on their knowledge and expertise to early-career makers.
Members may enter work into exhibitions under the mentorship of an Accredited maker. To qualify for inclusion in an exhibition, the work must be made either as a collaboration with, or under the guidance and supervision of the Accredited Member.
Established mid-career makers with a track record of quality design, technical mastery and a portfolio of completed work are welcome to apply to become Accredited Members by completing the Accredited Membership application form.
A list of our Members who wish to showcase their work and show support for SWA can be found here
Accredited Membership
Accredited Membership is for established professional designer/makers and artists in woodcraft who wish to be listed on the SWA website and participate in exhibitions and other events.
Accredited Members demonstrate a high level of skill in designing and making furniture and timber objects.
Accreditation is attained through an application process and will be considered by a review panel of three Accredited Members. Upon completion of the review against the accreditation criteria, the applicant will be advised of the outcome.
Accredited Members are entitled to use the title “Accredited Studio Woodworker” for promotion of their own businesses.
Upon completion of the review the applicant will be advised of the outcome and, if recommended to be accredited, ask to pay a membership fee of $200 ($220 Incl GST).
Head to the Directory to see the work of our Accredited Members.
All Members
- receive newsletters
- have access to the SWA Forum for advice and support if required
- may receive mentoring from Accredited Members
- have the opportunity to meet other members at meetings and conferences.
- have the opportunity to be included in the list of members appearing on the website.
- are eligible to apply for entry into curated exhibitions.
Accredited Members
- are included in the Directory of Makers on the SWA website
- have access to marketing by SWA
- receive invitations to participate in exhibitions and other events
- receive introductions to selected retailers
Membership fees incl GST
- Membership – $110 payable when sending application
- Accredited Membership – $220 payable on notification of confirmation of accreditation
Membership fees may be paid through our shopping cart.
Or via EFT:
BSB 032691
Account name: Studio Woodworkers Australia
Account 375392 with the reference “membership & your name”.