The Art of Making 2024 – ADC Exhibition

Studio Woodworker’s Australia Exhibition at

Australian Design Centre

Thursday 22 March 2024 – Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Art of Making 2024 Expression of Interest

The true artist is not only a creator of beautiful art but also a masterful maker of objects. It is through the fusion of craftsmanship and artistic expression that the profound significance of creation is realized.

We are delighted to announce that SWA will be having an exhibition “The Art of Making 2024″ at the Australian Design Centre from Thursday 22nd March – Wednesday 29th May 2024. This will be a high-profile exhibition showcasing the best of design and fine woodworking by the members of SWA.

Conditions of Registration and General Information.

All financial members are welcome to submit an Expression of Interest, either independently or working in collaboration with other SWA member(s). The ADC will have ultimate curatorial control of the exhibition through an independent panel of curators which will determine the pieces to be exhibited.

Submissions should encompass the main aim of SWA.

 We aim to create work that seeks to explore all the beauty and challenges of working in wood.  The functional and meaningful objects our members craft are designed to last a lifetime and be passed through generations.”

Design and Selection Criteria

  • Expressions of interest should include of photos of either completed works, works in progress or previous similar works, drawings, sketches and any information that can give a description of the piece to help the curatorial panel assess the submission for suitability.
  •  A brief artist’s statement describing how or why the piece speaks to the SWA aims will also be required.
  • Furniture and furnishings, small items, turning, carving, and sculpture are welcome. The exhibition space is limited in size so please note that smaller or wall hung pieces should be considered.
  • Work must have wood as its primary material.

Submission Guidelines

  • Each applicant may submit up to three pieces for consideration.
  • There is no charge to submit for this expression of interest, successful exhibitors will be required to pay a registration fee of $150.00 once they have been notified that their work has been accepted.
  • Submission should be made in the online Expression of Interest (EOI) form.
  • The password is ADC2024

Important Dates

  • 15th October 2023 Expressions of Interest to exhibit due.
  • 1st November 2023     Exhibitors selected, and all members notified of results.
  • Exhibition Dates Thursday 22 March 2024 – Wednesday 29 May 2024


Any questions?


Ruth Thompson     


Will Matthysen